

TTC Summer Showcase

Performance Workshop Instructor: Toni Ruscio
Ages: 7-13 Years
Dates: Mondays & Wednesdays, July 10, 2023 – August 2, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
TTC Summer Showcase: Wednesday, August 2, 2023 @ 7:00 PM
Cost: $500/Student Required: 5-Student Minimum 

Description: In this workshop, students will participate in fun theatre games and exercises, while also honing their performance skills as they prepare for a final performance showcase. No prior experience is necessary. All students must participate in the performance that will take place on Tuesday, August 2, 2023.




Triad Theatre Company’s 2023 Summer Theatre Education Program

Triad Theatre Company’s Summer Theatre Education Program is uniquely crafted to fuse theater arts and education in ways that can be used in communities, classrooms, and onstage. Our goal is to nurture students’ innate talents and to cultivate new ones, as they learn to collaborate with other students, directors, designers, and performers.

Students will develop fundamental skills that can supplement an undergraduate or graduate degree program, or which can be applied to a variety of careers, including, but not limited to, work in general education classrooms, community theatres, and professional theatres.

While special focus is placed on Theatre for Youth Audiences (TYA), after completing this program, students will have a basic understanding of how to manage any theatre program, as well as perform in, direct, and design a TYA show.

All participants receive a certificate of completion once they finish the program.

This program focuses on study in the following areas:

1. Intro to Theatre Management
2. Theatre for Youth Audiences
3. Acting for Youth Audiences
4. Directing for Youth Theatre
5. Design for the Youth Theatre


Instructor: Toni Ruscio
Ages: 16+ Years
Instruction Sessions (Required): Tuesdays, July 11 – August 29, 2023
Time: 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Workshop Sessions (Optional): Thursdays, July 13 – August, 24
Time: Any time between 12:00 PM – 10:00 PM
TTC’s Summer Showcase: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 @ 7 PM
Cost of Program: $850
Required: 2 Student Minimum 



Intro to Theatre Management
Intro to Theatre Management covers the basic business aspects of running a theatrical production including fundraising, marketing, budgeting, box office and house management. Students learn life skills, which can be applied to most careers.

Theatre for Youth Audiences (TYA)
Theatre for Youth Audiences (TYA) introduces students to the range, objectives, and history of children’s theatre, through script analysis, participatory theatre, and theatre-in-education techniques. Exercises include analyzing a piece of children's literature and exploring how it is transformed into a script for youth audiences.

Acting for Youth Audiences
Acting for Youth Audiences focuses on performing for a youth audience. Students will explore text and develop confidence in their performance skills through voice and movement exercises, improvisation, and group exercises designed to free emotional spontaneity and creativity. This workshop will improve students’ acting, verbal, and communication skills. Participants will prepare a short performance for Triad’s Summer Showcase on August 29, 2023.

Directing for Youth Theatre
Directing for Youth Theatre focuses on the basic principles of play directing for youth audiences and introduces students to the techniques all directors use to communicate with actors, designers, and audience. Special focus will be given to the fundamentals of directing theatre for young audiences. Participants will select a short play or scene to produce, direct, and design for Triad’s Summer Showcase on August 29, 2023.

Design for Youth Theatre
Design for Youth Theatre introduces students to basic techniques needed when designing a production for youth theatre. Focus is given to scenic design, costume design, lighting design and props design. Participants will select a short play or scene to produce, direct, and design for Triad’s Summer Showcase on August 29, 2023.

Workshop Sessions
While Instruction Sessions are required, Workshop Sessions are not. Students may use the time allotted for Workshop Sessions to rehearse their pieces for Triad’s Summer Showcase. If the Thursday Workshop Sessions are not convenient, students may schedule another time during the week, pending the theatre’s availability.



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